When investing in auto detailing equipment, it is important to pay attention to the interior as well as the exterior of the vehicle. Car upholstery is often given a quick vacuuming and nothing more. Vehicle interiors need a much more thorough cleaning. However, the drying time of conventional carpet shampooers could take up to 24 hours. Vehicle interiors are not only difficult to dry out, they can also breed bacteria if they are not dried quickly and completely. This is why auto detailing equipment for vehicle interiors needs to have low water flow rates that do not compromise on cleaning power.
Daimer® understands that when it comes to auto detailing equipment for vehicle interiors, there are two main issues to bear in mind. First, interiors can build up hard to remove food and drink spills, dirt, and grime over time. Second, they get very little aeration. It is important to invest in detailing equipment with relatively quick drying times that work to loosen and remove the most stubborn stains and debris. Daimer®'s auto detailing equipment with low water flow technology uses less water to clean, leading to faster drying times. For very stubborn stains, certain machines come with the additional power of steam, as well.
As far as heavy duty detailing equipment goes, the XTreme Power® XPH-9300U offers effective cleaning power coupled with a relatively fast drying time of around two hours. This is ideal for professionals who need to complete detailing jobs quickly and effectively for fast turnaround. For lighter jobs, the XTreme Power® XPC-5700U is ideal with a drying time of around six hours. Visit www.daimer.com to get a host of information on Daimer®'s powerful and efficient auto detailing supplies and equipment .
Daimer® understands that when it comes to auto detailing equipment for vehicle interiors, there are two main issues to bear in mind. First, interiors can build up hard to remove food and drink spills, dirt, and grime over time. Second, they get very little aeration. It is important to invest in detailing equipment with relatively quick drying times that work to loosen and remove the most stubborn stains and debris. Daimer®'s auto detailing equipment with low water flow technology uses less water to clean, leading to faster drying times. For very stubborn stains, certain machines come with the additional power of steam, as well.
As far as heavy duty detailing equipment goes, the XTreme Power® XPH-9300U offers effective cleaning power coupled with a relatively fast drying time of around two hours. This is ideal for professionals who need to complete detailing jobs quickly and effectively for fast turnaround. For lighter jobs, the XTreme Power® XPC-5700U is ideal with a drying time of around six hours. Visit www.daimer.com to get a host of information on Daimer®'s powerful and efficient auto detailing supplies and equipment .