A number of people use carpet cleaners for auto detailing, particularly for sanitizing the interior of vehicles. Normally, people use a detergent —
either artificial chemicals or natural products — along with carpet cleaners for enhancing the cleaning process. Often people find it difficult to figure out the right type of detergent to use with carpet cleaners as auto detailing equipment.
Chemical detergents pose plenty of problems if they are sprayed on seats and upholstery, especially if children sit in the car. Most chemical detergents contain toxic ingredients. When they are applied to a surface, toxic residues remain on the surface even after the cleaning process is over. This is particularly harmful in case of vehicles, where a number of people are likely to be exposed to the toxic residue. Therefore, it is important to use natural products as detergents when carpet cleaners are used as auto detailing equipment.
The big question is how to find a good natural product that can be used as a detergent. You may find a number of detergents with a "green" label affixed on the bottle. However, very few such products are truly safe. Prominent among the real green cleaning products are the green chemicals supplied by Daimer®. The company has an excellent reputation as a leading supplier of all types of cleaning devices, such as auto detailing equipment.
Now with Eco-Green®, Daimer® offers the safest and most environmentally friendly safe cleaning chemicals for auto detailing applications available. Unlike other companies who offer products that are not truly green, Eco-Green® green chemicals are derived from plants and vegetables and are completely biodegradable. They do not leave toxic residues in the interior of the vehicles, making them especially safe for children and pets. For more information about green chemicals and auto detailing equipment, visit www.daimer.com.

Chemical detergents pose plenty of problems if they are sprayed on seats and upholstery, especially if children sit in the car. Most chemical detergents contain toxic ingredients. When they are applied to a surface, toxic residues remain on the surface even after the cleaning process is over. This is particularly harmful in case of vehicles, where a number of people are likely to be exposed to the toxic residue. Therefore, it is important to use natural products as detergents when carpet cleaners are used as auto detailing equipment.
The big question is how to find a good natural product that can be used as a detergent. You may find a number of detergents with a "green" label affixed on the bottle. However, very few such products are truly safe. Prominent among the real green cleaning products are the green chemicals supplied by Daimer®. The company has an excellent reputation as a leading supplier of all types of cleaning devices, such as auto detailing equipment.
Now with Eco-Green®, Daimer® offers the safest and most environmentally friendly safe cleaning chemicals for auto detailing applications available. Unlike other companies who offer products that are not truly green, Eco-Green® green chemicals are derived from plants and vegetables and are completely biodegradable. They do not leave toxic residues in the interior of the vehicles, making them especially safe for children and pets. For more information about green chemicals and auto detailing equipment, visit www.daimer.com.