To run your auto detailing business profitably, you must make it a point to purchase the best auto detailing equipment from top distributors. Quality car wash systems will offer you outstanding performance and high efficiency while keeping maintenance costs to a minimum. For exceptional car cleaning results, check out the comprehensive range of auto detailing equipment from Daimer®. The Super Max™ range of pressure cleaners from Daimer® will make car cleaning unbelievably simple, effective, and fast.
The powerful Super Max™ 6120SCW from Daimer® is a very popular auto detailing system among car wash professionals. With super-heated steam reaching temperatures up to 330°F, this low-moisture pressure cleaner can effectively tackle dirt, grease, tar, mud, oil, and bugs without causing the slightest damage to your vehicle surfaces. Since these steam pressure washers have been specially designed for car detailing tasks, they can efficiently dissolve unwanted deposits on almost all car surfaces like engines, glass, tires, wheels, and vehicle exteriors.
Other aspects that make the Super Max™ 6120SCW a smart choice include a low flow rate of 0.5 GPM and average pressure levels of around 1000 psi. This auto detailing equipment is also the best at instantly melting away snow and ice. This car wash system is also a perfect example of a green cleaning machine since no cleaning solutions or detergents have to be added during the cleaning process; all you need is the power of steam.
The powerful Super Max™ 6120SCW from Daimer® is a very popular auto detailing system among car wash professionals. With super-heated steam reaching temperatures up to 330°F, this low-moisture pressure cleaner can effectively tackle dirt, grease, tar, mud, oil, and bugs without causing the slightest damage to your vehicle surfaces. Since these steam pressure washers have been specially designed for car detailing tasks, they can efficiently dissolve unwanted deposits on almost all car surfaces like engines, glass, tires, wheels, and vehicle exteriors.
Other aspects that make the Super Max™ 6120SCW a smart choice include a low flow rate of 0.5 GPM and average pressure levels of around 1000 psi. This auto detailing equipment is also the best at instantly melting away snow and ice. This car wash system is also a perfect example of a green cleaning machine since no cleaning solutions or detergents have to be added during the cleaning process; all you need is the power of steam.